
老外用画笔描绘写实人生——美国加拿大双国籍画家David Gluck作品欣赏


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老外用画笔描绘写实人生——美国加拿大双国籍画家David Gluck作品欣赏

The Ritual, Oil, 26 x 18"

今天艺艺带大家来认识一位美国加拿大双国籍的写实画家,他就是David Gluck。微助点编辑器

David Gluck

David Gluck出生在美国宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡,目前与他的妻子凯特·斯通居住在温哥华岛,他们都是全职艺术家。在2006年,他获得宾夕法尼亚州立大学艺术教育的科学学士学位后,移居到加拿大,继续他的艺术家职业生涯。他的作品在世界各地都有私人和公共的收藏。


Ongoing--Bejing World Art Museum
Ongoing--S.R. Brennen Gallery
Ongoing--M Gallery
Ongoing--Principle Gallery
2011--Howard Schepp Gallery
2010--Robert Macklin Gallery
2009--Praxis: Beauty and Truth, Carrier Gallery
2005-2006--Douglas Albert Gallery, State College, Pennsylvania
2004-Hensley Gallery Southwest, Taos, New Mexico
2013--Feature Article in Post-Modern Times
2012--ARC Salon Finalist, Still life
2012--ARC Salon Bouguereau Award
2012--Featurette, Fine Art Connoisseur
2012--Epoch Times, August Issue
2012--Published Finalist, Strokes of Genius 4, Figure Drawing
2012--Finalist, Artists' Magazine Annual Competition, Portrait/Figure
2012--Portrait Society of America, Award of Exceptional Merit
2011--Second Place, David A Leffel Award for Excellence in Painting
2011--Semi-Finalist, Artists' Magazine Annual Competition, Portrait/Figure
2011--Finalist, International Artists Magazine, Favorite Subjects
2011--Finalist, ARC International Salon, Still Life
2010--Finalist, Portrait Society of Canada's Canadian Portrait Competition
2010--Drawing Finalist in ARC International Salon
2010--John F. and Anna Lee Stacey scholarship award recipient
2009--Art Renewal Center Purchase Award, from Fred Ross
2009--Fourth place in Art Renewal Center Scholarship Competition
2009--Semi-finalist in ARC International Salon
2009--Second place in Richeson 75: Small Works Competition
2008--Third place in Art Renewal Center Scholarship Competition
2008--Finalist in Richeson 75: Portrait & Figure Competition
2008--Drawing Finalist in ARC International Salon
2007--American Artist 70th Anniversary Competition, finalist for drawing
2007--Art Renewal Center Purchase Award, from Fred Ross
2007--Finalist, American Artist Drawing Cover Competition
2006--Valedictorian, College of Arts and Architecture, Penn State, graduating class of Fall 2006


Red Sky, Oil, 30 x 26"

The Beggar King, Oil, 15 x 19"

The Signal, Oil, 16 x 12"

Rock Cod, Oil, 12 x 12"

Coyote Skull, Oil, 11 x 14"

Still Life with Gas Mask International, Oil, 24 x 16"

The Tool Shed , Oil, 24 x 18"

Early Years, Oil, 6 x 8"

Vanitas with Bell Jar, Oil, 17 x 10"

Still Life with Meat Grinder, Oil, 16 x 17½"

Skull Totem, Oil, 14 x 19"

Still Life with Seeder,Oil, 18 x 24"

The Crown, Oil, 14 x 16"


版权归原作者David Gluck所有,如有侵权请及时与我们联系,即刻删除。

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