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Michael is a Signature member of Hudson Valley Art Association, NY; and Artist Member of Connecticut Academy of Fine Art, CT.

Michael’s work stems from an aesthetic sense rooted in the beauty of light combined with an understanding of the subject matter.  Interpreting from nature, he sees objects in the visual world wrapped in an undulating rise and fall of light and color.  In producing still life pieces, Michael works exclusively from life.  His compositions most often utilize common or rustic objects.  It is his visual interpretation combined with an understanding of the subject itself that is melted together with his sense of aesthetics.  It is in this way, that the most humble of objects can be seen as beautiful.

Michael’s home state of Maine has endless locations for inspiring landscape subject matter.  While the coastal locations are limitless in themselves, he also finds inland locations equally inspiring.  Plein air excursion in Maine includes Gulf Hagas, Mount Katahdin and surrounding region, Aroostook County farm country, and several coastal locations.  The works made during these trips are exhibited as plein air works, and also used as references for studio works to be painted later.
Michael’s thoughts:  “Creating artwork is a life long learning process.  I see learning as a central tenant to the creative process.  Each work is new, and to create an inspired image, requires unique thinking to bring it to completion.  How technique is used so as to carve out emotion and beauty must be infused anew into each work – and cannot be copied from previous works.

Each work is a new journey in learning how to make that happen.   Having said all that – there is a kind of dichotomy present because in creating art, one must be free enough to not over think the work at hand.  The work is completed in a frame of mind that is almost (or is) subconscious – the painting gets to be beautiful because the artist drove it there.  Instinct, not formula.

While it is true techniques can be learned, these are only tools.  Like a carpenter’s hammers, drills, screwdrivers, and chisels; scumbling, glazing, impasto, and imprimatura are examples of tools to be used for the artist’s vision.  The artist must then take the tools, figure it out, and create something out of nothing.  With oil painting, I believe that means translating to a 2 dimensional space something that stirs the soul.

For me as a painter, there is a constant stir that goes on.  Although I may not always be at the easel, I feel as though I am always “painting”.  A trip to town becomes a study of treetops against the sky.  Distant hills today look different than yesterday…. and the ocean horizon one recent afternoon was one with the sky.  As a painter, my thinking defaults to these matters automatically.”



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