画家,作家。先后在菲尔·斯塔克工作室、舒尔茨工作室、图森艺术学院在线、中央美术学院等进修学习,多幅作品被机构和个人收藏。小说和诗歌作品在国内外文学期刊发表,并结集出版。 所属艺术机构: 美国油画和丙烯画协会,会员 美国水彩画协会,会员 英国艺术家协会,海外会员 联展: 2018年12月1日-12月12日,作品《黑暗的地方有光》《遥远的落日》入展艺诺艺术“异语纷呈”国际当代艺术展,上海。 2015年7月,油画《寂静的港湾》、水彩画《西域的山溪》入展第四届"九城艺术联展",济南。 2015年6月,油画《北国之秋》、《天湖饮马》入展大陆画家小型画展,香港。 2014年10月10日--2015年02月06日,水彩画《山顶上的小镇》入展"十年一见"群展,上海。 2014年9月28日,油画《夏天的马场》入展第二届纪念孔子诞辰2565年中国名家书画大展,北京。 2014年9月,油画《遥远的今天》、《静候伊人来》入展第三届"九城艺术联展",济南。 ARTIST STATEMENT: I'm Shirihe Ulyen.I was born in a village in northern China, where there is sea, plains, rivers, and mountains. As a teenager, I studied basic painting. Later, I went to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing for art education. At the same time, he also learned painting from several American painters. Painting is used to open heart and embody dream. Painters have the ability to show people the real world by realistic painting, and also give people a splendid dream by art creation. The beautiful scenery drawn by painter is the inflection of the beautiful soul. From my childhood, I like landscape painting. Towering peaks, bold desert, the towering poplar, and nameless flowers in painting are the symbols of pure nature and songs of praise to life. Mountains in my drawing exhibit strength. Trees show flourishing life and rivers reveals unremitting pursuit. EXHIBITIONS: July 2015, the fourth "9-city united art exhibition", Jinan, China. June 2015, Painting exhibition of mainland painters, Hong Kong. March 2015, Chinese New Year painting and calligraphy masters invitational exhibition, Jinan, China. October 2014, "Decade Exhibition", Shanghai, China. September 2014, the second "China calligraphy and painting exhibition in honor of Confucius 2565th birthday", Beijing & Jinan, China. September 2014, the third "9-city united art exhibition", Jinan, China. AFFILIATIONS: National Oil & Acrylic Painters’Society(NOAPS)Membership,U.S.A Society for All Artists(SAA)Overseas Membership,U.K National Watercolor Society(NWS)Member Associate,U.S.A 28 Star Cluster International Art Alliance,Borderless