晁铁军 Richard C.,晁铁军 Richard C.的个人主页

晁铁军 Richard C.


晁铁军 Richard C.




他作过大学老师,教授造型基础和油画课程;曾就职于全国前三甲传媒集团,担任视觉总监,是该集团都市报集群的视觉设计体系创始人。 其间,曾获多项国内重要媒体设计奖项; 多次在年度媒体设计比赛中担任评委。在忙碌的媒体工作间隙,他仍旧创作了大量的油画。

将生活重心移至悉尼后,慢下来的节奏让他的心变得宁静,对人生和自然有了更多的思考和感悟,晁铁军开始探索新的艺术创作领域。 他潜心于水彩画研究,站在当代人的角度,探索水彩画这一西方传统画种。 



《饱经风霜的脸》(A Weathered Face),纸面水彩,37x53cm。作品入选国际水彩画协会IWS 2016 香港双年展。2016年10月-11月在香港展出。

《烈日下》(In the Burning Sun),纸面水彩,76x56cm。作品入选第八届台湾世界水彩华阳奖,并获得佳作奖。将于2017年3月在台北展出。

《胜利之吼》(A Wrestler King‘s Roaring after His Victory),纸面水彩,56x76cm。作品入选国际水彩画协会2017年阿尔巴尼亚双年展,将于2017年3月在位于阿尔巴尼亚首都地拉那的国家历史博物馆展出。届时,《胜利之吼》将和David Tailor、柳毅、永山裕子、Sergiy Lysyy等顶级水彩画家的作品一起展出。

《西藏阳光》(Tibetan Sunshine),纸面水彩,76x56cm。作品入选国际水彩画协会厄瓜多尔2017年展。

《蒙古摔跤手》(A Mongolian Wrestler),纸面水彩,76x56cm。作品入选澳大利亚Blue Thumb Prize"蓝拇指奖"。该奖由12名评委组成的评审团,经过两周审评,从1140幅作品中初选100名进入终选;再由评审团每人选出10名的差额办法,最终选出了得票数最高的top 30参加展出,《蒙古摔跤手》位列其中。

《信仰之美》(The Beauty of Faith),纸面水彩,69x106cm。作品入选澳洲奖金最高的奖项之一Kennedy Prize,成为29位入选者中唯一的华人画家。终因非澳洲国籍,无缘最终的展览。

他当选蓝拇指奖的推荐画家(Featured Artist)。

2016年悉尼NSW Artclub举办水彩画个展。


A teacher of Fine Art, a cartoonist, a designer, no matter what titles used to be, the best description of Richard Chao (known as Tiejun Chao by his Chinese name), however, is a born artist.  

Richard is a Chinese artist living in Sydney, Australia. Born in a family of artistic atmosphere in 1972, Richard initiated drawing when he was only a 5-year old boy. Inheriting his grandfather, who was an artist in 1930’s China, Richard’s talent turned up at very young age. After he consecutively finished his study in Xi’an Fine Arts College, Xi’an Fine Arts Academy, and finally obtained his Master of Art in Xi’an Jiaotong University, he was well-prepared to be a professional artist.

However, being an artist is not a paved way for Richard. He used to be a teacher of fine arts for 9 years in a Chinese university and had worked as a cartoonist and a graphic designer in a Chinese newspaper for 13 years. During this period Richard had produced lots of oil painting works. It is after his settle down in Sydney in 2013, that Richard began to focus on watercolor.

Richard is an enthusiastic watercolorist with very keen sense at colors, which was initially fully reflected in his oil paintings. He also stands out for his high techniques applied in oil paintings and watercolor paintings, especially in portraits. He vividly captures the characteristics and nature of his subjects. His paintings not only witness his exquisite techniques and coloring skills, but also the deep influence of classical art upon him.

What drives him to paint with watercolor is an FAQ. Transparent watercolor is a material that is truly difficult to control. What is exciting for him is to apply quasi-super-realistic technique to experiment the possibility of watercolor in depicting the subject’s innermost being.

Since Richard started focusing on watercolor painting, his works have won him international reputation. And 2016 is a fruitful year for Richard. His work “In the Burning Sun”wins him Merit Award in The 8th Continental Watercolor Art Hwa-yang Award. He is the finalist of IWS First Canada International Watercolor Biennale 2016 with his watercolor work “An Aboriginal Man”, and the finalist of IWS HK 1st International Watercolor Biennale 2016 with his work “A Weathered Face”. “A Mongolian Wrestler” is chosen to be top 30 in Bluethumb Prize. With his works “The Parable of seeds” and “A Little Girl from Rural Western China”, he became the finalist of Watercolor Exhibition of Western China Impression. He is also invited as an overseas artist to “Cultural Trip around South Guangdong”. Besides, his watercolor solo exhibition was held successfully in Sydney, Australia, in August 2016.

Exhibitions of 2017 have already opened their doors to Richard. His work “A Wrestler King’s Roaring after His Victory” wins him finalist in 2nd Tirana International Watercolor Biennale 2017. “Tibetan Sunshine” wins him finalist in IWS Ecuador 2017 Biennale.


09/2004-07/2007, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Oil Painting, Master of Art

09/1991-07/1995, Xi’an Fine Arts Academy, Oil Painting, BA

09/1987-07/1991, Xi’an Fine Arts College, Certificate of Accomplishment

Work Experience:

12/2013-present, Auto-weekly magazine, Graphic Designer (Full-time). Creating water color paintings for the company’s themed calendars is part of the job.

06/2014-present, Watercolorist (Part-time, all spare time contributed)

06/2004-12/2013, Chinese Business View, Head of Depart of Graphic Designing (Full-time).

03/2000-06/2004, Chinese Business View, Graphic Designer (Part-time).

07/1995-06/2004, Shaanxi Xueqian University, Teacher of Fine Arts (Full-time).

Achievements and Prizes in the past 10 years:

“A Wrestler King’s Roaring after His Victory”, Finalist, the 2nd Tirana International Watercolor Biennale, 2017, Albania

“Tibetan Sunshine”, Finalist, IWS Ecuador 2017 Biennale, 2017, Ecuador

“In the Burning Sun”, Merit Award, The 8th Continental Watercolor Art Hwa-yang Award, Taiwan, 2016

“An Aboriginal Man”, Finalist, IWS First Canada International Watercolor Biennale 2016, Canada

“A Weathered Face”, Finalist, IWS HK First International Watercolor Biennale 2016, Hong Kong, China

“A Mongolian Wrestler”, Top 30, Bluethumb Prize, 2016, Australia.

“2016 Featured Artist”, Bluethumb Prize, 2016, Australia

“The Parable of seeds”, Finalist, Watercolor Exhibition of Western China Impression, 2016, Xi’an, China

“A Little Girl from Rural Western China”, Finalist, Watercolor Exhibition of Western China Impression, 2016, Xi’an, China

Invited artist, “Cultural Trip around South Guangdong”, 2016, Guangdong, China

Watercolor Solo Exhibition, 2016, Sydney, Australia

Gold Medal, Illustration and Graphic Design section, China Newspaper Design Prize, 2013, Kunming, China

1st Design Director interviewed by News Front, the professional journal on journalism run by the People’s Daily, 2013, China

Bronze Medal, China Newspaper Design Prize, 2012, Kunming, China

Top 10 Chinese Design Directors, “Design Matters”, 2006, China

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