王放艺术简历 Resume of Artist Wang fang 1970年出生于中国沈阳 Born in Shenyang, China in 1970. 1989年受业于—鲁美 Graduated from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in Shenyang in 1988. 法国艺术家协会副会长/职业画家/艺术策划/现居中国北京 Professional artist, art planning; Lives in Beijing, China 2015年1月法国总统奥朗德发函邀请王放参加总统府新年晚宴。 Invited to participate in the New Year dinner party by French President Francois Hollande in the presidential palace in January 2015 王放油画作品被美国富豪 李主席(习近平好友)法国前总统萨科齐和现任总统奥朗德等国内外企业、官员,军区、卫戍部队、影视界朋友们收藏。 Wang Fang’s oil painting "eagle" and 30 limited edition derivations and oil paintings were collected by American billionaire chairman Li (Chairman Xi’s friend) , the former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and President Francois Hollande, enterprises at home and abroad, officials, and friends of military region, the garrison, film and television industry. 2013年9月 参加北京宋庄1994年~2013年"我们"肖像作品艺术展。 Attended the Beijing Songzhuang Two Decades (from 1994 to 2013) “US” Portraits Art Exhibition in September, 2013 2011年 参加第150届法国卢浮宫画展,获国际奖。 Invited to attend the 150th France Lourve Exhibition (Won the international special award). An artist journey to seven European countries and lived in France in 2011. 2010年 参加亚运当代艺术展 。 Attended the Contemporary Art Exhibition of the Asian Games in 2010 (All works were auctioned).