




陈思宇简历 2009年毕业于西安美术学院油画系 当代艺术工作室 2013毕业于年中央美术学院 油画 材料表现艺术 博客地址:hpty//sina.cn.cnzi11111111111fox 微博地址:http://weibo.com/1747877487/profile?topnav=1&wvr=5 邮箱地址:zi11111111111@126.com 主要展览 2015年梵星微拍在线展览、拍卖 “怒放的生命”上海艺术区艺术家邀请展 2014年上海风月舍画廊"中外现代艺术家交流展"百度新浪中艺网微信网东京艺网 2013年【美丽中国の魅力乡村】-千指禅创意产业众筹平台-预购一个梦想众筹项目发起人 2012年 中央美术学院材料表现艺术水墨实验汇报展 2011年青年美术家提名展 作品《洞-系列》获优秀学生奖  2010年中国新锐油画展 作品《成人礼-男孩中的几个》等系列作品参展  Si-yu Chen resume In 2009 graduated from the xian academy of fine arts oil painting department of contemporary art studio In 2012, the central academy of fine arts oil painting material performance art Artists, beautiful の village in China - thousand 】 refers to the zen creative industry the raised platform - purchased a dream project sponsors, Blog: hpty / / sina. Cn. Cnzi11111111111fox Weibo address: http://weibo.com/1747877487/profile? Topnav = 1 & WVR = 5 Email address: zi11111111111@126.com The main exhibition The Vatican in 2015 star micro online exhibition, auction Shanghai art invitational exhibition area artists \"in full bloom of life\" Temptress moon shed 2014 Shanghai art gallery \"Chinese and foreign modern artist JiaoLiuZhan\" baidu sina art network micro letter in Tokyo art network の country charm 】 【 beautiful China in 2013 - thousand refers to zen creative industry the raised platform - purchased a dream the raise project sponsors In 2012, The central academy of fine arts material experiment HuiBaoZhan performance art 2011 young artist nomination exhibition works \"hole - series\" won the award for the

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