

 张婧 张婧 发布于:2016/10/27
《金鱼尾》 | 油画  布面   50×50 CM,2016年 | ¥1500.00

《tail of goldfish》 Oil painting on canvas. The paintings base on life show us a interesting pictures that consist of lines and colour. The lines include smooth long line and orderly short ones. The colour is brilliant、gorgeous and gentle. I “injects”my emotion into every picture..... It is deep in night, the lamp of studio is still on and the paintbrush is dancing on the canvas ignoring the time. I don’t know when I already go into another world, everything including my breath become silence . The paintbrush which is already so magical is deeply attracting me, this feeling is like I am walking in the garden holding the soft hands of a baby , and also like I am lying in my mother’s arms. All these feelings rush onto the painting without stopping, the brush swim fast between water、colour and canvas. Suddenly, the thought starts flying, it flys straight ahead time after time without stopping until to the end of world. In this place, the heart、brush、water、hands and almost everything is pure. The brush become simple and the thought become a free and easy fairy.At the moment, i am already melted into this amazing thought...... It is dawn unaware, and the slight and clear light is already shining on the canvas, Painting awake from the canvas .... What a Wonderful time it is in everywhere and anytime of life!

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